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SEDULITY CERTIFIED SUMMER TRAINING PROGRAM. Sedulity Solutions and Technologies presents Hi-Tech Certified Summer Training Courses, which will increase your Technical Skills and give the Industrial exposure for your better future prospects. These courses will be conducted by our well experienced Trainers and they would like to share their vast experience through out the training. The concept for these courses are totally project oriented and dedicated to everyone from any stream who wants to be a Technocrat and also for those who want to grab the quality education in short duration.
Course Description: In this advanced PHP Training, students/ participants will learn advanced features of the PHP web programming language, along with “Content Management System”, its extensions and open source libraries for XML processing. As the technical web programming paradigm changes, more layers of abstractions are introduced by the PHP open source community. This course enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications including its ease-of-use and extensibility.
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