In today's competitive world, where Technology success rate is increasing Day-By-Day rapidly in this cutting edge Technology based environment, where everything is integrated into small chips and the storage capacity is increasing. In the same way, there was a time when 1GB to 2GB HDD was sufficient to operate a PC and now those bulky HDD are converted into small USB Pen drive which is available upto 4GB and external USB HDD which might be upto 120GB. However, the only demerit which we all are facing is the transferring of Viruses, Worms , Trojans, and Spywares etc. It is actually a challenging question for all of us that how should we stop all these viruses and save our Computers from these External USB Drives?
Sedulity has got the answer for this problem and launched one of the best Security Tools to secure your system from all the external USB Drives. If you feel that anyone's pendrive or any USB external drives will infect your systems from any of the virus, worms, Trojans etc. then simply use this tool to protect your system.
This USB Drive Controller will help you to:
* Secure your Desktops, Laptops & Networks from all the External USB Drives.
* Block/ Unblock all the USB Drives on your system.
* Protect your Systems from the Viruses, Worms, and Trojans etc. which generally come from the External Drives.
* Protect your Personal or Confidential information from Crackers who may generally use the Pen Drives/ USB Drives to Install few Worms or Trojans and retrieve your data or information from your Personal PC, or from your Office PC, or from the network where you work.
* Use your computers fearlessly as this tool will act as a best security tool for your computer system and does not authorize any external drive without your permission.
This USB Drive Controller is useful for: Students, Colleges, Corporate Institutions, Govt. Bodies Societies, All types of Business, Network Administrators, Security Auditors, Developers And for all those computer users who rely on Electronic Data Transfer and believes in Technology. System Requirements :
* Windows 2000 Pro/XP.
* Pentium III 450 MHz.
* 50MB of available hard disk space.
* Internet access.
* Minimum system RAM: 64MB (2000 Pro), 128MB (XP)
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